My Freedome subscription code is lost

Dingrot Posts: 3 New Member
My Freedome subscription code is lost. No when I reinstalled Windows on one computer I can´t activate. I do´n´t think I got a mail or something.And neithher remember whick of my 20 mail accounts I´ve used. But I remeber the screen showed the code. I should have taken a print screen. I have a bank account recipt and a print screen from my other computer. How can I get the code ?


  • Hi Dingrot,


    May I know how you purchased your Freedome subscription? Your email address which is used for the purchase should also have the information on your subscription details. If you could remember the email address used, it might be helpful to find the subscription key details.

  • Dingrot
    Dingrot Posts: 3 New Member

    So it was a mail sent to me. Yes thats whats usal iat a subscription. But Ive search in my 30 email accouns but didnt find it. Maybe I used a new account for anonymous reason. Maybe on domain  but I dont know which account.


    I have Freedome working on one computer but there is no ID-number etc.

    I bought Freedome 7 Februari 2016 via bank account  Swedbank.  I also have the recipt of 370 SEK  where it says Freedome subscription.  I can attach that in a private email.  It should have been some sort of ID fuction .


    Can we figure it out in some way ?

  • Mirela
    Mirela Posts: 2 New Member

    This is the third time I'm trying to post this question, got different error messages and redirections. This adds to more questions about the service I just paid for. I just purchased a subscription to Freedome and no code was e-mailed to me nor does this purchase show on my account although I used the same e-mail address. Feels more like UNsecure and UNsafe. This way I have to rely on remembering where the code is noted and that no device I'm traveling with crashes. It would feel more proffessional if I could search for an e-mail from you with Freedom on the subject line or be able to log on to my account and retreive the code should it be needed.

  • Hi Mirela,


    May I know how you purchased your Freedome subscription? Did you purchase it via the app store?


    If you have any issues in posting in the forum, please do provide us the screenshot of the error message so that it will help us to check further on that.

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