Subscription is not synced between devices

On my PC it says that I have 245 days left on my license. I have entered the very same code on my iPhone when I bought the license. However, now my iPhone says that the license ends tomorrow and when I re-enter the licens it says that I've already entered it.
What should I do? I only have these two devices.
Hi Venaja,
Was your iPhone using any other subscription before using this code like an app store subscription? Was this code validated on your iPhone in the same time as that of your PC?
If your iPhone still says the code is expired, could you confirm if this is the same code which was used? We do have the license reset functionality with Freedome but this is currently available only for the Windows and Mac versions.
My iPhone and PC had free subscriptions since before. I received a 3 month subscription for something at some point and then I chose to buy a one year license when it ended.
I am pretty sure I have used the same license on both platforms. But, since there seems to be no way of checking what license I have inserted on the PC vs the iPhone I cannot answer your question. I have written my license key down of course, and like I said, re-entering it on the iPhone takes me nowhere.
You mention a license reset function which is not available to my device.. How should I proceed? I have paid for a three device license and used up two of them, of which one has stopped working.
Exscuse my late reply again. The problem was that my subscription had actually expired and that is why it expired on my iPhone. For some unknown reason the counter on my PC client is either not a jour or I have received som bonus days that I do not remember getting.
So I would consider this solved. Sorry for wasting your time