Vpn isnt working

Albanemet Posts: 2 New Member
My freedom vpn doesn't work on my computer and rarely on my phone and this is a big problem as I am studying in china for months. What is the solution?
Thanks for your help


  • Hello Albanemet,


    Could you tell us how is the VPN not working on your devices? Are they not connecting or failing to work with some apps?

     A screenshot of eventual errors can also help understand better the issue you are facing.


  • Albanemet
    Albanemet Posts: 2 New Member
    Good afternoon, it's both of the problem. It's not connecting and it's failing to work with some apps! Is there an mail adress where i can send the screenshots I took?
  • Hello Albamenet,


    You can always open a support ticket to our support using this form.

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