freedome will not install

mat- Posts: 3 New Member

I purchased freedome2 week ago and have not been able to install it, i can download the file but it will not initiate, no error messages nothing.  so far the advie i have been given by customer support is to delete and redownload and to use a different browser.  still no change for me and it is a little frustrating when the followup advice is what was discussed on  the phone anyway.  If anyone has some troubleshooting tips that would be great.


and yes i have rebooted my PC





  • Hello mat-


    Did you have Freedome previously installed on your PC? Are you able to install other applications and programs?  Are you using an administrative account when launching the installer?


    Could you tell us what Operating System you are using?

  • mat-
    mat- Posts: 3 New Member

    hi Ben, have windows 10 installed, have ensured that everything has updates applied, first time trying to install freedome, using admin account to install, no other issues installing other programs,  PC is a HP envy pc/tablet



  • Hi Mat- 

    I can see that you already opened a support ticket concerning this problem. Please get back in touch with the agent in charge of your case by simply replying to the case, so that they can perform the next steps in their troubleshooting.


    This seems to be a problem that will require more in depth analysis, and will be tricky to handle in our community. 


  • mat-
    mat- Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Ben I have 2 open cases neither were able to help and suggested trying the forum,  I manged to get hold of a consultant(the second open case) and told her the issues, she suggested trying a new browser which i have and she also sent me an email with instructions on how to install freedome, a process i went through with her on the phone with no success and also the reason for 2 help cases being opened.  The latest suggestion she has it to call back again.  unfortunately I work long hours so usually when I am home the call line is not manned and I dont think it is available on the weekend at all?

    I will try to call again when I have time off, hopefully my subscription will be adjusted for the time it has taken to try and install.

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