F-Secure freedome

xprt007 Posts: 1 New Member



For some reason, F-Secure Freedome repeatedly (but not always) fails to connect.

I am mostly on a university network, where foreign VPN software MAY (not very sure) be blocked, I thought BUT I am quite sure it used to work without exception up to a few weeks ago.

Nowadays on same network, it works, though at times like today, whichever location is chosen, including the one here in Germany or several USA, for which I mostly use it to watch some content, it gets into an indefinite process of connecting, until you stop it.


What could be going on?


I used to use alternatively a Firefox plugin (proxmate), which was very effective to get the sites I needed until they changed to paid subscription.

Just discovered in the process of writing the hola vpn Google chrome extension works in same university network, allowing viewing same US networks.


Meanwhile Freedom in the endless "Connecting .... ON" loop ... Smiley Sad






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