Is it possible to return back my nickname (if not entire profile)

I wasn't here for few months, login was refused due to incorrect password (i'm sure it was correct, keep it in Key). No problem, ask for a link to restore password. First the system asked after i created new password is to define my nickname. But i alreday have one assosiated with my email address! Finally i have new profile on same email address and the question is if it's possible to merge it with old one. 


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I think you'll need to contact one of the forum Admins with regards account changes, but I believe they are limited as to what can be done at the moment, due to constraints within the forum software.  @Ben may be able to help.  :)

  • Hello ,


    @SergeiStPete I made some modifications to give you back your old nickname and account. Let us know should you notice any further problem. 

  • SergeiStPete
    SergeiStPete Posts: 14 Enthusiast

    @Ben, appreciate so fast help. Looks like works now, thank you.

  • SergeiStPete
    SergeiStPete Posts: 14 Enthusiast

    @Ben, yes, profile and nickname on this site are correct. The only point Community mailer uses "new" nickname:

    "Hi SergeiStPete_, ...". But that's not a big issue, just for your information.

  • Hi SergeiStPete, 


    The notification you received was most likely due to the subscription(automatic by default) to this thread(from the account SergeiStPete_).


    Let me know if you notice email notification on threads where the recent account was not used.

  • SergeiStPete
    SergeiStPete Posts: 14 Enthusiast

    @Ben, understood, thank you. So far no other 'live' threads where i am, will check when something appears.

  • SergeiStPete
    SergeiStPete Posts: 14 Enthusiast

    @Ben, and the latest notification from the mailer is with correct nickname:

    "Hi SergeiStPete,...". Thank you! 

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