Looks like Netflix has blocked Freedome

<p>Yeah, I use it all the time when watching Netflix on my iPad and phone. I also use it to connect to their countries. Now I've tried it again at it seems Vancouver is working again! Yay!
So freedome will keep updating their Vpn to make sure it works? <img src="http://imgur.com/a/ianxp" border="0" alt="Netflix error"></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Steba</p> -
I'm currently on the fence of buying this service. Being able to watch US Netflix in Europe is make or break for me. I'd love to know F-Secure's stance on the matter of circumventing their restrictions. Also, when/how will I be able to watch US Netflix when streaming to Chromecast from Android/iPad? These are the questions I'm pondering. Sorry for the unrelated nature of this post. I love this service and would like to throw the money at it but I'm uncertain if it can do 100% of the things I want from it.
Hello ClockPond,
Please refer to Freedome Terms of Use.
"We expect you to respect the terms of third-party services that you access via our service."
This article, should help clarifying your question concerning using chromecast with Freedome.
Hi last night I was able to get into any netflix, today I am unable to...
Message States:
Whoops, something went wrong...
Streaming error
You seem to be using an unblocker or proxy. Please turn off any of these services and try again.
For more help, visit netflix.com/proxy
Error code: M7111-1331-5059
I have Windows 10....Can anyone tell me what I can do to fix this???
I'm in Finland and also having this problem. Last night, up until about 0400 it was working, but now Netflix won't allow me access from any location provided via Freedome. The standard error is returned ("you appear to be using an unblocked...").
Normally this his can be solved by terminating both Netflix and Freedome processes and restarting them. But I've tried multiple times and even rebooted my device (iPad 2 running latest iOS).
Fsecure probably wont help you with this since its against Netflix terms of service to use a proxy when using their service.
NO matter what you think of geoblocking (I hate it) they have to use it for legal reasons and when you bypass it with a VPN/proxy it could mean trouble for Netflix continued exsistance.
So in essence even IF fsecure would try and do something to help you guys Netflix would continue to block and make sure you cant use it in this way -.-
EDIT: here is a part of their terms of service:
4.3. You may view a movie or TV show through the Netflix service primarily within the country in which you have established your account and only in geographic locations where we offer our service and have licensed such movie or TV show. The content that may be available to watch will vary by geographic location and will change from time to time. The number of devices on which you may simultaneously watch depends on your chosen subscription plan and is specified on the "Your Account" page.
Hello Everyone,
Netflix recently announced that it has begun to prohibit VPNs to be used when accessing its service. This is unfortunate as VPN provides an additional layer of security customers should demand when enjoying their favorite content. Freedome will continue to provide our customers legal access to any service they enjoy without constructing workarounds intended to violate the terms and conditions of any service.
Sure, do not do anything illegal....Yadda yadda...I bet ya a big part of your customerbase uses Freedome to circumvent georestrictions to different sites, illegal or not illegal...And until recently you guys even ensured them that this circumvention would be a viable way even in the future... http://www.digitoday.fi/data/2016/01/21/f-secure-netflixin-on-pakko-pullistella-lihaksiaan/2016758/66 So I say..You lie!
I thought you were the cool guys but it seems you're just like any other moneyhungry corporation and I am disappointed in myself for believing in you.
The add that said "katso lempisarjasi netissä ilman maarajoituksia" was the reason I got Freedome in the first place, sure it's always on but the reason I got it was the abovementioned.
I'll leave you with the words of your own Perttu.."– Estojen tekeminen on teknisesti epärealistista. En tiedä, kuinka paljon Netflix on oikeasti tutkinut asiaa, mutta kyllähän meidän tuotteemme on tehty juuri sitä varten, että kuluttaja pystyy kiertämään sillä erilaisia blokkauksia, olivat ne mitä tahansa."
Shame on you.
@VoLa wrote:
Sad to hear, especially since Freedome has been strongly advertised with these streaming services..Yep, with streaming services in general, not just Netflix. Unfortunately there's really nothing we can do now since the companies who own the rights to all Netflix content have intimitated Netflix to start blocking all VPNs. With the rate that they're doing it, soon every VPN provider will be blocked.
If something changes regarding this matter, we'll keep you posted.