Why DNS Leaks

I was very happy that i tested your VPN services and depending on my tests I detected that you do not leak Dns or you can say it is logs, But after Updating to the new version 1.1.2531.0 I detected that there are some leaks to some Google Netherlands servers.
So we hope that is a bug ro a critical error and could be solved
If not and it was your choise "We don't think that" that you decided to leak info about us. So We hope you to delete this thing as soon as possible because it contradicts with your purpose. You should be saving our data from leaking "and thank you for that" but leaking info may not be such a good choise.
at the end i didn't test on many PCs or Mobile Phone or Macs But
You "Community Members" can check DNSLeak by visiting This website DNSleaktest.com and there are some other choises you can decide yourself to check and we Appreciate if you can attach a photo "screenshot" after checking for that or copy and paste the dnsleak servers name Here, Thanks!
Thanks for Community Managers to explain for us that a personal problem or all members have this issue and give us something clear
After Playing with some settings in OS
I just detected my OS was the problem
F-secure Community Sorry for that
F-secure Community Managers Sorry for that
Thanks Freedom F-secure
Thanks for community and community managers for their hard work
We hope there could be Linux and Browser Extentions Coming soon