After installing Freedome trial the internet is not working on first boot

Got a Windows 10 here (up to date), been using the trial now for almost two weeks and every time I turn on my komputa I get no internet connection. Reboot, and voila, internet works again using Freedome vpn.
Using hibernation pretty much fixes this but still, a bit annoying I'd say. Normal or is it just me? I have a cable for interwebz.
I notice the lack of connection at Windows 10 login screen (network icon on lower right corner has ! to indicate no connection was made). Even after I log in network stays disconnected, Freedome shows itself connecting, and does so no matter what location I choose.
I have waited for minutes numerous times and connection will not just happen. The strange thing is reboot fixes this every time.
Thank you for the quick reply.
In order to investigate better this behavior, could you open a support ticket here?
Please provide an fsdiag to speed up the support process.