My e-mail with the registration code is gone

sixtensmatte Posts: 4 New Member

I did buy F-secure Freedome and got the code for installation through e-mail.

Now I need to install it again but I have lost the e-mail with the code.

I have read and looked for information at your site and also tryed to find somekind of support/contact information but with no result. So how do I do now? 

There should be some kind of info about this on your site but I dont find it.

Please help me.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    You may get some more help with this by posting in the correct forum (Freedome), but to be fair, it is down to the user to take some responsibility for keeping license / subscription keys safe.  If you create a Support Ticket giving as much information as you can about your purchase (date, email, personal details, etc), then the support team may be able to resolve things for you.

  • sixtensmatte
    sixtensmatte Posts: 4 New Member
    Thanks for info. Yes, u right about the own responsebility to keep important info safe.
    I was clumsy cleaning my inbox. Smiley Sad
    I try to post a ticket.
    And thanks again.. did not know where to write and sorry for posting in wrong place.
  • Hi @sixtensmatte,


    Just to keep you informed, I have moved your post to the right board.


    Regarding your issue, I have highlighted your post/case opened to the Support team. They should be getting in touch with you soon.

  • sixtensmatte
    sixtensmatte Posts: 4 New Member
    Thanks for all help and guideance. It did solv my issue. Awesome feedback from support. thumbs up.
  • Glad to know all worked @sixtensmatte. Thanks for the update! :)

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