Freedome on pettymys

Olen joutunut uusimaan käyttöjärjestelmän kahdessa win 10 laitteessa, joissa oli lisenssi Freedomeen. Nyt en pysty enää aktivoimaan niitä uudelleen. Ohjelma väittää, että kaikki lisenssit ovat käytettyjä. Ohjelmalla ei ole samanlaista pois kuittausta, kuten esim. Fsafessa.
Toinen käyttöä haittaava tekijä oli silloin kun Freedome vielä toimi, että se pudottaa nettinopeutta n. 30 %.
Valitettavaa on myös, ettei F-secure vastaa asennusta koskeviin kyselyihin tai selvitä asennusvirhettä!
Freedom is disappointing
I have had to renew the operating system two win 10 device, which was licensed Freedom. Now, I'm no longer able to activate them again. The program claims that all licenses are used. The program is not the same kind of out of the acknowledgment, eg. Fsafessa.
Freedom is disappointing
Another factor hampering the use was when freedom was still functioning, that it will drop a line speed of approx. 30%.
It is also regrettable that the F-secure answer surveys, or to cope with setup errors on installation! -
This is a three-license version. It now operates only one pc in.
When I enter my license code, I get the message: Error maximum number of installations of this code has already been fulfilled. Buy additional licenses if you want to expand freedom subscription.
"Thank you for contacting us. We have received your request to the following service:
Code: xxxxx
Created: 12/12/2015
Subject: Re-installation"EDIT: Removed support case information
Joo mulla sama. Eivätkä anna uutta suojauskoodia enää, jotta saan luvatun ajanjakson käyttää ohjelmaa...
Ei tule muuten uusittua muitakaan F-securen tuotteita enää, vaihtuu toimittaja.
Same thing here. Freedome had problems after win 1511 upgrade and now my existing code won't work. They won't renew the code either, so my 1 year subscription was only 6 months. Maybe F-secure lives in different time than the rest of us. This was my final subscription from F-secure, thankfully there are other companies who live up to their word..