How can I retrieve my exclusion settings?

Shurlock Posts: 1 New Member

Hi all,

Recently my disk got corrupted, which forced me to re-install Windows 7 to a new harddisk.

Consequently I also had to re-install F-Secure Internet Security for Windows 14.115 build 102.

The problem is that I had quite a lot of exlusions for 6 large harddrives in my old F-Secure. So it would be great if I could retrieve those exclusion settings from my old disk.

Does anyone know where F-secure saves the exclusions listing in a file or registry key?

Thanks in advance for any help.



  • Hi Shurlock,


    Sorry for the delay in our reply. As far as I checked on this, it is not possible to retrieve the exclusions from the old disk to copy it to the application installed on the new disk. Unfortunately, you have to make the exclusions again on your FSIS.

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