365 days promotion code changed to only 7 days left



  • Victek
    Victek Posts: 2 New Member

    I cannot speak to the issue your describing regarding the FSecure Safe trial.  I found a free one year subscription to Freedome on Windowsdeal.com.  It was "standalone" with no mention of "Safe".  Those of us who found that giveaway cannot be accused of abusing the offer associated with Safe. Software giveaways, including free VPN subscriptions, are a common way that vendors promote their products and there was no reason to think that there was a problem with the offer.  Apparently the Windowsdeal.com offer was put up by mistake (?)  I get that mistakes happen and I respect FSecure's need to correct the problem, however some explanation would have been appreciated.  It wasn't the fault of the users so don't blame them.

  • Bcna95140
    Bcna95140 Posts: 4 Observer
    I exactly have the same problem....my 365 free days disappeared....
    Could we trust on F secure? Don't think........
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