Automatic renewal successful but Old Expiry Date Still saying to renew? - Licence no longer valid!

My F-Secure SAFE subscription expired 31 Oct 15 - I renewed automatically on the 1st November successfully, but I am still getting expired message even though my version is up to date? My licence is no longer valid and I am not protected why?
I am have also recently upgraded my laptop to Wins 10 and the warning is saying I am not protected keeps asking me to renew! I have paid so what can I do to resolve this?
Thanks hope to hear from someone soon.
I have also renewed reveral times mine F-Secure, but it won't work. I have also contacted F-Secure customer support three times now in past 2 weeks, but only answer that I get is the automatic reply that they will answer ASAP. I had also problem with my password to the F-Secure Safe web site. I had used my password succesfully a few days earlier but now (2 weeks ago) it didn't work (I triple checked it was correct). So I renewed it. When I was thinking new password I decided to try the old one and - THADAA - it WORKED! So now my new password is my old one even that it shouldn't.
I'm still waiting answers..
Thanks Ville for your feed back, much appreciated.
Lets hope they get back with an answer soon, this is not very good customer service to keep customer waiting for such a long time for a resolution...
You would think it would be a very simple solution to the problem. How can your renewal be successful! But yet your expiry date remains the same and your licence is invalid because of this;? Unbelievable in this day and age what is going on? Come on F-Secure sort it out!!! Customers are waiting here, and yet out systems remain a threat as we are unprotected!
Thanks again, all the best,
I'm sorry to hear about your SAFE renewal issues and I do understand your frustation here about this!
@Stubaloo, regarding your SAFE license, could you please chat with our experts or open a support ticket as they would be able to better check on your account details and advise further?
@Numis, please send me a private message of your support request opened with us so that I can pass it to our team.
I have a similar problem with my licence. Made a renewal 15:th December 2015 and that reflects correctly
in my F-Secure-Safe-Account: Remaining billing cycle 341 days until 15:th December 2016 = Nice.
But at device booting-process F-secure-Status claims I only have only 13 Days from todays 3:rd of January until 16:th January. I made at least 3 un-installs / re-installs with no success. F-Secure-Status says expiration date will be 16:th of January2016, while F-Secure-Account says 15:th December 2016. There is a discrepancy somewhere, I suspect the error is in the F-Secure-Section in the machine-registry. I also made an installation on my Android-laptop on Chrome-browser but same same.... Safe-Status says 13 days while Safe-Account says 341 days. Is there some F-Secure-Tecnician responsible for the Registry-Section?
Mr Footjoy