Code not valid

ro-76 Posts: 2 New Member

I have a code that I have never used until today and when I try to enter it, I get a message that it is not valid.


Please rectify.


Kind regards




  • Hi ro-76,


    Could you please provide us the details of how you purchased your Freedome code and a screenshot of the exact error message?

  • ro-76
    ro-76 Posts: 2 New Member

    I registered at this link:

  and received a free code which is supposed to be valid for 3 years. I have not used it at all on any device yet.


    Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 9.12.04 a.m..png

  • Hi ro-76,


    Did you purchase SAFE since you got the Freedome codes from the link you shared? Or did you just register to a trial version of SAFE?


    If you have not purchased SAFE and just registered for a trial version, please be informed that our limited offer(ended on 30th of September) was a “Buy SAFE, Get 1year of Freedome for free” offer.
    Consumers who do not pay for SAFE after the trial period, will be prompted to pay to continue using Freedome for free. Even if some may have abused our offer, Free Freedome Premium with SAFE trial was not offered by us, and it won’t be supported by F-Secure.

This discussion has been closed.