Performance so slow since 1 week

Boulaudan Posts: 1 New Member

Hi team,

I am based in the UAE and for the last week or so, accessing any website when Freedome is ON has been extremely difficult, so difficult that I am getting time outs, etc. When not activated my performance is OK (24M download / 1M upload as tested on I tried with several different locations (Paris, Berne, US West Coast) and am getting the same issue.

No error message of any sort.

Some website can load after several minutes, some not at all.

Thanks for your help.

(using Windows 10)


  • JJtunen
    JJtunen Posts: 2 New Member



    same thing here. Last week all was still ok, now can't use Freedome anymore in UAE with my Mac's. Connection is totally down no matter which location I choose. Using Macbook Air & Mac Mini's. IOS9 version works well so something seems to be wrong with the PC/Mac versions.


    Br. JJ

  • pekuchka
    pekuchka Posts: 2 New Member

    Same as here, very slowly since last update about week ago.

  • Hello Everyone,


    Thanks for your inputs on this issue. However, upon checking on this further with the Freedome team, we suspect it might be due to the reason that usage of VPN is considered against their policies in UAE. Maybe UAE is doing something actively to the VPN traffic in their end.


    Please do try to change the locations on Freedome and see if the connection works better.


  • JJtunen
    JJtunen Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi, I also have another VPN (strongvpn) setup on my laptop which works just fine. And as I mentioned earlier, Freedome works perfectly fine on iPhone. Any ideas as?

  • pekuchka
    pekuchka Posts: 2 New Member

    Laksh, many of us is using this service for looking for local news (from where we are coming), so if we change the location in your service, it means that we are nort able to see, for instance local TV. please think about what you are writing...

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