Yle Areena does not work

souris Posts: 2 New Member

Hi, I'm on 2 weeks trial for Freedom and I live in Belgium. I haven't had any problems with Netflix, but on the contrary, I can't watch programmes from Finnish Yle Areena. The programmes are uploading but the picture is horrible (pixeled) and cutting and freezing every 10 seconds. Any tips for this? I'm using my laptop (windows, with mozilla) and there should not be problem with speed and memory. If this is how it is with Yle Areena, I might give up ordering Freedom after 2 weeks...such a pity. Thanks.


  • petepaimen
    petepaimen Posts: 1 New Member
    Same here. I can't use YLE puhe/radio/areena.
  • Hello, 


    Our monitoring doesn't indicate any obvious problem.

    Yesterday we had very high traffic on the Finnish virtual location due to the Finnish independence day celebrations.


    Is there any specific time at which you experience these slowness with Yle's services?

  • souris
    souris Posts: 2 New Member

    The problem with Yle Areena is constant: no matter what time of the day, which programme...I've emptied the history and restarted my laptop (on mozilla fireworks and windows 8.0)  - can't watch yle areena. If you can solve the problem keep me posted  - I wold like to continue with Freedom if it works properly. Thanks.

  • mran
    mran Posts: 7 New Member

    same problem here. worked ok till now but not anymore

  • mran
    mran Posts: 7 New Member

    ...seems my problem was due to program limitations i.e a program that used to be possible to watch

    as recording, is now only available as live. So not a Freedome problem rather licencing at Yle

  • Hello


    @souris Could you tell us more about the network you are connecting too? What bandwidth are you suppose to have?


    @mranThank you for keeping us updated and glad that it is now resolved.

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