Pause in FS protection

Sorry for my reply.
I just decided to create addition.... that on current time... if we have launched Scheduled Scan:
-> Gaming Mode with "turn on"-status should work as Pause for scan-process.
Potentially... when current feature comes... it start be helpful for me... and I stopped think about "Pause" for any other of scan-types. Such as... full scan I able to launch - when I have time for that (and does not want to use system). Small scans... usually take less time, but when it's goes to be stuck.... pause not really helpful (because potentially it's goes to be with result... just after re-stuck for long scanning. And if there does not have "long scanning" - so potentially.. small scan should be speedy).
But if we have experience with scheduled scan and it's started already.... more nice to use "Gaming mode" (as pause) for temporary work with system and "turn off" gaming mode... when we want to continue scheduled scan process.
Sorry for my reply again.