VM F-Secure Safe subscription not updating.

max232bb Posts: 3 Observer

I have updated my existing F-Secure Safe Internet Security with was through Virgin Media.


Whenever i login in to my online account a page with a Virgin Media Logon says my subscription  have expired and my devices licences have extended by only one month from my expiry date.


When will this update to reflect my new 1 year 7 device subscription status?





  • Hi Tony,


    Welcome to our Community!


    As I checked further, I found there was a ticket opened with our support team yesterday regarding your renewal. I have highlighted your issue to our Support team so that they are working on this further. They will be updating you with more information.

  • max232bb
    max232bb Posts: 3 Observer

    Yes they took me through the renewal using paypal for which I have my payment reciept but am still getting a message saying my subscription has been extended for 1 month.


    I tried to remove and reinstall one of my licences and now that is saying licence not in use next to my device but if i try to reinstall it tells me already installed.

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