Maksettu ohjelma poistui koneeltani

Posts: 2 New Member
in Web Browsing
Olen ostanut F-secure Internet scurity levykkeen 04.06.2014. Se on 2 vuotinen 3:n koneen levyke.
Ohjema poistui koneeltani, kun kävin tarkastelemassa F-securen tarjousta . Eli miten palautatte maksamani ohjelman KÄYTÖÖNI??????????????????????
EDIT: Removed Personal Identification Information
Hi @kuutio,
Just for your information, I have moved your other post with the title 'ohjelman poistumine
n koneelta' to this current post as it seemed to have the same information.
However, the Community is currently in English, could you please provide the information in English to assit further? This will help the wider audience to understand the post and provide a response for the problem.
This discussion has been closed.