Licensing problem

Hi, I just purchased an extra 5 licences to add to the 5 I already own, I have the receipt etc.
I then tried to log into MySafe, the subscription page told me I had 125 days left (which is correct) but the licencing part kept timing out, saying internal error 500.
After reloading the page about 30 times, it did tell my I had used 5 of my 10 licenses (which was correct) and it let me add another device.
Half an hour later, I've struggled to get into MySafe again (same internal error 500 where the licence info is) and now it's telling me I have 0 licences left!! It has even deleted one of my existing devices to compensate for me adding another device (even though before it told me I had 10)
Could you please tell me what is happening on your servers, as this will be affecting more than just myself I'm sure.
Thanks in advance,
Hello SpaceyB,
In order to troubleshoot better this behavior, could you please open a support ticket.
We should then be able to see what is the actual status of your account and correct it accordingly.
Please include your purchase reference when opening the ticket.
Hi Ben,
I did this on Saturday, I've also contacted Cleverbridge who say they've emailed F-Secure about the problem, I've contacted F-Secure via telephone who've said they received no email from Cleverbridge.. I seem to be going around in circles here and nobody seems to know how to help. The F-Secure guy took my mobile number and said he'll ring me back, but that was 3 hours ago.
I've currently got a brand new PC here which I've had to put Bitdefender on as a trial until this is sorted out.
The support ticket number is XXXXXXXXX
The reference number for the invoice is XXXXXXXX
Many thanks in advance,