Difficulty in getting support from cleverbridge

I have just overcome a real difficulty with Cleverbridge and F-secure SAFE, but it took me over a week of mails. Firstly Cleverbridge said I had cancelled my Safe system and they returned the £xx I paid via Virginmedia arrangements. Then when I tried to re-install, they offered me the Virginmedia rate of £xx, but when I clicked on that it took me to a site which asked for £xx.xx and invited me to "buy now" So I did not and tried to get cleverbridge to sort it, but got nowhere wiith them and eventually had to go back to virginmedia and in particular, their F-secure team to get it fixed and after several days with no anti virus, was given the Virginmedia install program. Then I tried to install and it said that F-secure was already installed, so I had to uninsall it before finally getting the virginmedia system to correctly install F-secure SAFE. What a waste of time and how beaurocratic can you get? F-secure is a great Antivirus, but their systems for installation are appalling. I had earier had a similar incident when I installed Windows 10 as it deleted my F-secure in the process, so I am getting used to their prro customer service.
EDIT: masked renewal price details
Hi regB,
I'm sorry to hear about your whole experience with the renewal and I do hope that our Support has assisted you in finding the solution with the renewal. Have you been able to install SAFE successfully on your computer with the right renewal price? If the issue has not resolved completely, do let me know so that I will escalate this further.
I have highlighted your post to our Support team as well. Kindly reply to them if you need any further assistance on the case.Once again, our apologies for the frustration you've been experiencing, but we are here to help!