New ranking structure introduced!
We have decided to update our ranking system in order to make it more clear for you when you rank up in our community. The criteria for achieving the new ranks has been designed to reward users who are active. Although we cannot disclose exactly how the formula works, there are many things you can do to rank up.
As with all forums the more active you are (without spamming!) the faster you rank up. You can post questions, thoughts, ideas or advice, all of it counts!
Once registered, everyone starts with “New Member.” The first few ranks are based on how long you have been a member, giving and receiving kudos, and tagging good content. As you rank up, you are rewarded by posting messages and answering questions, providing and accepting solutions, tagging, marking messages as accepted solutions, and so on.
We will be re-evaluating the ranking system periodically and welcome any feedback you have! Good luck with your quest to become “Master of the Universe.”
The F-Secure Community Team!
Slightly off topic, but I've been meaning to mention this for a while - I don't seem to have a 'Mark as Solution' button, unless it's hiding away somewhere and I haven't spotted it. This is on the Mobile and Full interfaces. Any chance you could check this out? This is what I'm seeing:
🚩 What Do You Think?
We’d love your thoughts on our fresh look! Quick survey, big impact!