my code can't work after reinstallation

gavin Posts: 2 New Member

error message: "Could not verify your code. please try later"



BTW, the software should automatically check if it runs on the registered device, it can avoid this tpye of problem, and there should be a service-email so i can send my evidence direcktly.


thanks for reading

waiting for reply:)

(and my evidence is in German, i just could't post in "Deutsch community")


  • Hi gavin,


    May I know from where you purchased your Freedome product and could you send me your purchase details as a Private Message in order to check further?


    Is it a multi device license and how many devices are currently using the Freedome code?

  • gavin
    gavin Posts: 2 New Member

    i've written a PM on 11/11 but still get nothing feedback  


    the code is for 3 divices and i used only for 2 yet. 

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