Multi-platform activation problem

[ISSUE RESOLVED: I had to wait a few days after the iOS subscription expired before it would accept the multi-platform codes. This might be a time-zone issue or something else. Regardless, both codes were accepted and I now have two years remaining of subscription for my iOS devices and a slightly shorter time remaining on my Macintosh. It appears that the 12 months is applied when the code is applied and not when it is purchased. This is very nice.]
[Original Post follows]
Good morning,
I used in-app-purchase on my iPhone and iPad last year to subscribe to Freedome for a year on both. That expired yesterday. In May I bought a multi-platform subscritption for 12 months, then I bought another multi-platform 12 month subscription a few weeks ago.
I have applied both codes to my Macintosh and it shows that I have nearly 600 days remaining. This is good. But now that my iOS in-app-purchase subscription has expired (I removed the renewal option in iTunes several month ago) it asks for my multi-platform code. I type either the first or second code into either my iPad or iPhone. None of them is accepted. For all combinations it says "Oops This ID is not valid for this device."
I emailed Cleverbridge (your payment partner) a month or two ago and received no reply, but since the iOS subscritptions were still running back then I thought I would wait until they expired to try the codes.
Now it is clear that the codes are not working on my second and third devices (iOS and iOS).
Can someone from F-Secure please get in touch with me to resolve this before I go traveling shortly and require reliable VPN. Luckily both iOS devices are still allowing me to connect, but for how long.
Thank you and kind regards.
- fluffykitten