Freedome deactivated and more

I wanted to ask a few questions:
1. With a three computer license from Cleverbridge, how can I check how many activation keys have been used?
2. Two days ago my subsciption (about 200+ days left) changed into zero without any warning and left the connection wide open on OSX Yosemite. I had to use my third unused license key to reactivate Freedome, which now says 364 days left. So, what's going on and how is this possible anyway? Dropping the VPN without prior notice, and leaving the connection running unsecured, is totally unacceptable.
3. Is it really the case that with OSX, when waking the laptop from sleep and logging in, the connection is wide open for tens of seconds, until Freedome reconnects? Seems sort of useless to protect the connection AFTER all the programs on your laptop have already sent your credentials over the open WiFi.
4. Now that I need to make a clean install with El Capitan, how do I transfer my Freedome license from the OSX Yosemite I'm deleting?
Hello Polar,
Sorry for not getting back to you earlier, and the bad experience with our support.
1.It is unfortunately not possible to verify the current amount of installation used on your subscription.
2. Did you receive an upgrade of Freedome prior to this problem or did any changes on your Mac?
The subscription should not reset to zero for any active subsciption.
3. Did you observe yourself a delay of tens of second before freedome reconnected on your machines?
4. You should be able to perform a reinstallation. However note that if there are multiple or frequent reinstallation the subscription might get in a state where the subscription cannot be used anymore. In such case you need to get back to us in the community.
Hello Ben and thanks for getting back to me!
1. Sorry to hear that
2. Nothing had changed on that machine and it was just idling when Freedome disconnected. I agree it should not but it did. Now my two machines with Freedome say:
a)253 days left
b)359 days left (entered the same license key again)
3. Yes, just now it was 20+ seconds with traffic flowing out freely before Freedome connects. Is it impossible to block all traffic until there is a VPN connection established?
4. I will upgrade my OSX soon and see if Freedome installs ok.