FS Protection PC Release 150

Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert

The release 150 contains following applications:

  • Common Component Framework 2.50 build 204
  • Antivirus 14.150 build 100
  • Browsing protection 2.150 build 3659

Fixed issues

  • Settings dialog stops working when using minimize button in proxy configuration dialog (CTS-96959)
  • Security cloud privacy statement missing (CTS-96955)
  • Check for update dialog footer color not correct (CTS-96952)
  • Certificate error text truncation in Greek (CTS-96949)
  • Rare hang of hoster process (CTS-96937)
  • Installer loses proxy configuration if reboot is required (CTS-96935)
  • Installation key visible in logs (CTS-96934)
  • Uninstallation dialog still uses old style (CTS-96929)
  • Rare deadlock where product upgrades can stop working (CTS-96928)
  • Support tool does not collect all DeepGuard information (CTS-96915)
  • Hotfix framework does not always use correct proxy (CTS-96907)


  • Change shell32.dll loading mechanism (CTS-96891)
  • Scheduled scan doesn´t start in XP (CTS-96864)
  • No timeline event for ODS tasks where malware removal was cancelled (CTS-96909)
  • OAS dialog does not close after choosing action (CTS-96898)
  • Protection malfunction, reboot does not fix (CTS-96871)
  • OnOff button not visible in high dpi mode (CTS-96827)
  • Fshoster32.exe crashes by triggering on access prompt trough fscuif (CTS-96918)
  • User hoster crashes when miniscan flyer closed (CTS-96914)
  • Green status circles not similar (CTS-96896)
  • Truncation in button in quarantine and application permissions in Lithuanian (CTS-96810)
  • Hoster crash on hang at NID and AMEH shutdown (CTS-96967)
  • Can not finish manual scan if Turned off in the middle of previous scanning (CTS-96962)

Browsing Protection:

  • Several small ui adjustments related to dialog styles.

And a Halloween bonus.



F-Secure R&D, Desktop products


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Well, of course, the MOST exciting thing about this is the Halloween bonus! 



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Love it!  Smiley Very Happy


    And the new on/off buttons are nice too.


    Everything else seems OK, and the installation went smoothly on my Windows 7 machine, as usual.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    good news I jump on it
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    you F-S people really rule, congrats for the halloween blink :)

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    How come it's still so long to dl and install components on a first clean install ? why don't you people use the Ultralight routines which are way faster ?
    think of the standard dude: he'll think something went wrong and generate hotline messgaes !
    It's a pity, because this product is imo near perfect on my W10 x64 10565 rls
  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 147 Superuser



    > How come it's still so long to dl and install components on a first clean install ?


    As long as the Aquarius scan engine (which can recognize ALL malware from antiquity until the day before yesterday) is part of the F-Secure protection suite, that module alone will have over 200MB signatures uncompressed!


    It would be nice if F-Secure Corp. could replace Aquarius or at least migrate to a newer version of it, because the current situation is a big resource hog, not just during downloads but also during the daily running of computers. The other four scan engines also integrated within the F-Secure CounterSign architecture are much lighter weight.


    Best Regards: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    may I advise you to try Ultralight antivirus from F-Secure itself ? there's an astounding difference, even with aquarius

  • etomcat
    etomcat Posts: 147 Superuser



    > may I advise you to try Ultralight antivirus from F-Secure itself ?

    > there's an astounding difference, even with aquarius


    If I understand correctly F-Secure Ultralight means legacy-free, with only  Deepguard 6  + cloud technology included.

    In contrast, BD Aquarius engine implies the monolithic, off-line fingerprint database technology.

    These two things are opposites of each other.


    Are you sure F-Secure Ultralight includes the "Aquawin32" database, which is currently about 259MB large?


    Yours Sincerely: Tamas Feher, Hungary.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    I can't be positive as I dropped it a few months ago because of the development standby, btw I did test it for some months this year.

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    We released a minor patch to TP150. The patch is installed silently without confirmation from the user.


    Application versions:

    • Common Component Framework 2.50 build 205

    Fixed issues


    • Login dialog does not work with proxy (CTS-96976)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    yep worked fine

  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert

    Hello again,


    There was another patch to TP150 that was released on Friday. Sorry for the late notice. The patch is installed silently without confirmation from the user.


    Application versions:

    • Common Component Framework 2.50 build 207

    Fixed issues


    • Support Tool does not work from Start Menu shortcut (CTS-97024)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    thank you

    I noticed that when checking the update history Smiley Wink

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    All fine here too.
  • LeVvE
    LeVvE Posts: 2 New Member
    When is this going to be released to the public?
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    as it looks mature enough it should not be long imo unless they plan to integrate parts of ULAV ?

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