Can't access iOS and osx app store if Freedome is on and WiFi keeps disconnecting

Hi, I'm really having a bad time with Freedome.
I got used to the slow speed (very slow) but what I experienced last week is just crazy.
I tried to update some apps on app store and every time I failed both on Ios and Osx El Capitan, most of the time I couldn0t even connect to the stores.
I thought it was my fault so I erased my Ipad, my macbook, clean installed everything os and reset my router.
Nothing changed, I wasn't able to update anything and when I tried to download something using Safari the wifi kept disconnecting.
Suddenly I realized that disabling Freedome everything works like a charm. No wifi disconnection. Apps update worked, everything works like it's supposed to. I can't really think this app is so bad, so please give me an advice to work this out.
Hi mrright77,
Sorry to hear about the bad experience! However, did the issue with the connection happen on only a particular location/server or did it happened with all the servers?
Did the connection issue happen only with the App stores or for opening other webpages/accessing other applications as well?
May i know what is the OS of your Macbook and your iPad?
OSX 10.11.1, IOS 9.1
I mostly use the German server since the one I'd like to use (the Italian) is very slow (I mean it cuts the speed in half).
Today I have no problem with the stores but yesterday I had to stop the VPN since I was trying to download a 14 MB file at 2kb/s with freedome on...
Hi mrright77,
Thank you for your update on the post! So, the issue was happening on a particular location Germany when you were trying to download the files from the app store.
I will update the Freedome team about the bandwidth issue on the respective location. Please do update us if the issue happens again.