Your computer is not protected?

Please try and download this file to your desktop:
Once downloaded run the file, It could take some minutes before the change takes effect. -
Hi, after the fix it was showing the same odd characters as above. I re-ran the fix, then told it to check for updates again. Now it is showing virus defs updated at 11:11 (2011-07-08_03) and the error message has gone again, so fingers crossed. Thanks - if it comes back I may yell for help again.
I have the same problem. My internet status says my computer is not protected. My automatic dowload is ticked on but in the window Automatic Updates under Other Settings Virus, Spyware, Deepguard etc are 40 days old. (2011-7-11) but in the details window above this it says last check (today) was successful.I am new to F-Secure so this is the first port of call I am trying.
Bonjour,Dans le statut de l'ordinateur il apparaît : "Recherche de virus et de logiciels espions" : date dépassée. Du coup j'ai un message rouge m'indiquant que mon ordinateur n'est pas protégé.Que dois-je faire ? (mon abonnement est valable jusqu'en 08/07/2012).Merci de votre réponseSOPHIE
@MJ-perComp wrote:Hi Sophie,
this forum is in English, sorry!
What version of F-Secure are you using?
is the problem persistent or does it disappear after a while?
what OS are you using...
Bonsoir,La version est la 10.51. J'ai également un problème avec le centre de sécurité windows qui m'indique que la proctection anti virus est dépassée
Merci de votre aide
I allow to resume contact because I had no answer concerning my previous sending.
In the status of the computer he(it) appears: " search(research) for virus and for spyware ": exceeded date. Of the blow I have a red message indicating me that my computer is not protected. What do I have to make? (My subscription is valid until 08/07/2012) .
The version is the 10.51
thank you of your réponse
I'm getting exactly the same trouble today - both F-secure and Windows tell me that "Protection is not up to date" ...... any suggestions please - I've tried the web chat but got thrown out after a 25 minute wait!
F-Secure 1.89 build 205
CCF CUIF 10.01 build 37019
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 369
CCF Automatic Update Agent 1.05 build 1076
CCF Upstream 2.00 build 119
CCF Diagnostics 8.00 build 18472
CCF Scanning 1.28 build 104.70
CCF Network 1.02 build 128
CCF Reputation 1.1 build 25.2280 -
"Protection is not up to date" sounds like the database updates has stopped.
If you right click the F-Secure icon in the systray and select "Open common settings" you'll see the latest downloads. What does it say?
If any are in bold it means they have not been installed, or are being installed but have not finished.
An old example:
Ok. When is the latest download? In the list from window "Open common settings". Aquarius and Hydra should have todays date. If they don't check this:
They need to be both downloaded AND installed for the protection to be up to date. Bold = Not installed
Yes, that looks perfectly alright. Weird!
The yellow/orange icon from "The Protection is not up to date" means:
Your computer is not fully protected.
The product requires your attention, for example, it has not received updates in a long time.
Apparently it must mean something else than the updates in this case. Unless someone else can help out I suggest you submit a Support Request and attach an FSDIAG file to it.
When looking at it again I noticed a strange thing. The date format.
The last 2 downloads has MM/DD/YYYY = 02/03/2014 while all other downloads seem to have format DD/MM/YYYY. The days and month have suddenly switched position. It could be interpreted as the last 2 downloads were installed the 2nd of March, which has not occurred yet, and could perhaps be the explanation to the problem.
What is the date format on your computer? Has it changed recently?