Different email used for trial version and my new licence Virgin Media Customer on Windows 10

I am struggling after spending hourI s and hours going round and round in circles. Can someone please advise what I need to do.
I am a Virgin Media customer and I had forgotten that I was offered F-Secure on a free trial ages ago. I now recall I had problems installing it and gave up so never used my free trial which, I think, was for 12 months.
A couple of days ago, I navigated my way through Virgin Media to F-Secure again and got myself a 30 day trial. The F-Secure website did not recognise me as I was using a new email address and did not seem to recognise that I had navigated via Virgin Media either.
I have since had real problems installing F-Secure Safe. All I have is the Browsing Protection, so something is clearly wrong and so I started to dabble. At one point my Virgin Media connection took me through to F-Secure and the log in appeared as my old email address (which I can still access) so I logged into it. It showed that my F-Secure account had expired (after the original free 12 months). I decided that I would buy a new licence and try and sort it all out. I now have a new licence that it won't let me use.
How do I get myself out of this mess and install the new licence and enable full installation of F-secure safe?
The trial version is:
F-Secure 16.0
Browsing Protection 2.139.3446
F-Secure Network Interceptor 2015-08-27, 13:55
A couple of other people are having similar issues installing SAFE - see here:
We are waiting for a response from F-Secure, but in the meantime, can you confirm that you fully removed Virgin Media Security using the VMS uninstall tool? -
Thanks Simon. I had seen the thread but I just needed to write down my issues to help make sense of it all. I suspect I will still have problems even if installation issues mentioned in other thread are resolved. Have you any idea what I can do about my licence not being recognised on my trial version?
You'd need to raise a Support Ticket about the license issue, as that's not something we can deal with on the forum.
Hello @Cathy,
We are aware of this issue in which only Browsing Protection is showing up after the installation in Win 10 and we are investigating it on our end. However, as Simon has mentioned, please create a ticket with us and attach the fsdiag to check further on the logs. Our support team will be able to look into it for troubleshooting on the issue.
Just to let you know that I am now up and running and have been provided with the following solution to the windows 10 problem:
Dear Cathy, Thank you for contacting F-Secure. With regards to your enquiry about F-Secure products, we have checked your purchase refrence number ........... and found it was purchased using e-mail address .................... Kindly proceed to login using the e-mail address to gain access to your account. Regards the issue concerning windows 10 , Kindly follow the below steps to to re-install F-Secure Safe on your Windows 10 machine. The Reason Being is, one of the Windows update KB3093266 is blocking the F-Secure to be installed and loaded into the Windows 10 Machine. You are required to uninstall previous verison of F-Secure Security first before installing the F-Secure SAFE program. Step 1: Launch Internet Browser and enter ftp://ftp.f-secure.com/support/tools/uitool/UninstallationTool.exe Step 2: Double click on the UninstallationTool.exe. Step 3: Choose “I accept” the terms in the license agreement and click Next. Step 4: Upon clicking next, the program automatically uninstalls the F-Secure product file and folder. The Computer will prompt you to reboot once completed. 2. Un-install Microsoft Update KB3093266 from Program & Features > View Installed updates. Restart. 3. Run the following Microsoft tool to hide the particular Windows Update from re-installing. Link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3073930?utm_source=twitter 4. Run F-Secure SAFE installation.