Does Safe include AV or not?

techwrangler Posts: 3 New Member

After my previous preferred free AV (which will remain nameless) decided it was going to crash the shell process (Start menu/Cortana) I decided to switch to actually pay for an AV and security solution so purchased SAFE.


The admin panel indicates F-Secure AV is installed but I can't find any controls to start a scan and Windows seems to think Defender is protecting the PC.


Is it purely an on access scanner and do I need to purchase AV separately?


Am on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit by the way.




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    F-Secure SAFE includes Internet Security, which includes Anti Virus. I'm not sure if you get a Desktop icon by default, but you should definitely get a system tray icon, which should open the main interface when double clicked. Did you reboot after the installation?

    If a reboot doesn't fix things, my initial thoughts are that maybe something went wrong during the installation. Did you fully remove your 'nameless' previous AV, preferably using the vendor's removal tool? If not, that would be your first step here.

    If all of the above are irrelevant, then I would suggest re-installing SAFE. Try just re-installing it on top of itself first, but if that fails, or causes more problems, then use the Uninstall Tool below to fully remove SAFE and start afresh. Don't worry if your available licenses diminish, as you'll be able to use the inactive ones again.

  • techwrangler
    techwrangler Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Simon


    Thanks for taking the time to reply, I very much appreciate it.


    I ran the standard unintaller and the tool you linked to.


    Rebooted and made sure it had not reloaded.


    Logged back into the site, removed the PC and then readded it by clicking on download.


    Ran the install and it went through


    Rebooted again and went to the shortcut on the Start menu


    The  only controls I get are as shown below





  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    That's the Browsing Protection options. Those are usually accessed via the main screen which should say "Your computer is protected", and give Scan and Setting options. Do you have an icon in your system tray (by the clock) which you can double click?

    I'm not really sure what's going on, but if the product hasn't installed properly, that may suggest a conflict with another security app / program, or with debris from a previous security product which hasn't been fully removed.
  • Philip1
    Philip1 Posts: 3 New Member

    I have the same problem on Windows 10 - I only see the browsing protection dialogue. My FSecure Internet Security licences were about to expire so I bought the safe licences instead. I've downloaded the installer and upgraded but now only see the browsing protection dialogue. I've run the uninstaller and uninstalled all components and re-installed from scratch and still only see the browsing protection dialogue. Under common components it says the Anti-virus is installed but there is no dialogue to run a scan, etc

    Windows Defender is active instead.

  • techwrangler
    techwrangler Posts: 3 New Member



    Thanks for your suggestions.


    Double-clicking the System Tray icon leads to the same screen.


    If I right-click on it  and select action centre it says nothing to resolve


    Opening common options and selecting installed applications indicates AV and Browsing Protection are installed.


    Hope someone from F-Secure comes back  early next week or I'll  approach Cleverbridge for a refund.




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    They may respond here but it might be worth sending in a Support Ticket in the meantime, attaching an FSDIAG as instructed on the linked page. 

  • Philip1
    Philip1 Posts: 3 New Member

    As an experiment I uninstalled Fsecure Safe and went back to Internet Security 2015 and it now suffers from the safe problem - only the Browsing Protection dialogue is available. It does show AV installed under common components but there does not appear to be a way to access a AV dialogue.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I certainly think it would be good to send support tickets in, and it might also be useful to refer them to this thread.
  • Philip1
    Philip1 Posts: 3 New Member

    I've raised a support ticket and mentioned this thread. I will post back here when I get a response.



  • Hello @techwrangler and @Philip1,


    We are aware of this issue in which only Browsing Protection is showing up after the installation in Win 10 and we are investigating it on our end. However, as Simon has mentioned, please create a ticket with us and attach the fsdiag to check further on the logs. Our support team will be able to look into it for troubleshooting on the issue.

  • Jannee
    Jannee Posts: 1 New Member

    Same problem with WIndows 10 here, support ticket created but no response for a few days

  • Hello Everyone,


    Please have a look at this article published which explains why SAFE/FSIS installation is not fully completed in Windows 10.

This discussion has been closed.