F-Secure IS 2012: Download of xxxx.exe is "faulty"! Downloaded xxxx.exe files are corrupted

Since Installing F-Secure internet Security 2012 (XP - IE8) - Download of xxxx.exe is "faulty"! Downloaded xxxx.exe files are corrupted.
All downloaded xxxx.exe files are "to short" - shorter than the original Files at the server. All of these xxxx.exe files are not executable!
This situation exists at my Desktop PC, as well as on my LapTop. (Both are XP - IE8, both at at actual level).
The only circumvention is: De-Install IS 2012 and Re-Install IS 2011 - that works!
I've posted this situation (including "FSDIAG.TAR.GZ") to FS Support at Dec. 22. 2011 no replay until now!
Does anyone have a solution for me?
Regards, Gerhard
Thank you Mattias for your promt reply, 1) SR-ID is SR ID: 1-486733849 2) XP is Service pack 3 - system, including IE8 is up to date, at te actual level 3) Where do I find "the button" to - disable Webtraffic Scanning? - (I'm using German version but you can refer to the English version too, I'll find it out. Thank you, Gerhard
I've never used a download manager before and why should I use such software, just after installing FS IS 2012 ?
For years I'm using FS IS until Version 2011 everything worked fine. - FS IS 2012 causes the problem while downloading xxxx.exe files in XP and IE8 (all components are at actual level) !
Hi Janiashvili,
I gave up my resistance against s download manager and installed the one from "Freshdevices (freeware"
Still uning FS IS 2012.
Initiating the download of a xxx.exe file as usual in IE8 - automatically, the (just installed) download manager's window is opened and I confirmed the start of the download there.
The download runs normal and the xxx.exe file is stored in full length - and it is an executable file !!!!
While downloading under IE8 and FS IS 2012 stores a corrupted - not executable - file. (File is not stored (or downloaded) in full length).
Thank you for your hint.
regards Gerhard
I had the same situation, and still can't solve this problem.....
I can't download any files like *.exe, *.rar, *.zip...etc. from webpages/websites.....
All download files are shorter than the files on websites, and can not open--files are unexecutable!
Even I close F-Secure IS 2012 and shut down all the FSIS 2012 procedures, the problem still happen!!
I think this is a BIG BUG!!!!!
Best Regards
I would advice both of you to open a support ticket about the issue. For more information about contacting our support can be found at: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support/contact
on Jan. 25th 2012 I've got an answer from ****@f-secure.com to my service request.:
They are still working to find a solution of the problem I reported to them in December 2011.
They gave me a work around (which works):
Go to "Software" select "F-Secure ...." - Hit the button "Change/ Delete" and DE-INSTALL the Funktion "Online Safety" From F-Secure IS 2012.
Restart your System and it works.
Technical Support promised to give me an info as soon as the solved th problem.
Regards, Gerhard.
[Moderator edit, this address is no longer in use, please refer to the web form: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support/contact/request]
Hello hilltopnet,
In that case I would suggest you:
1) Download the latest installer from: http://www.f-secure.com/fi/web/home_fi/support/installers
2) Remove the current installation from control panel (F-Secure launch pad, please make sure you have the subscription number stored somewhere)
3) Reinstall the client using the latest installer (from the link above).
This should fix the issue. Let me know if there's any problems.
Hi Siltanen,
thank you for your Info.
Today I got the information from xxxx@F-Secure.com about the new Service Release 1 of IS 2012.
[Moderator edit, this address is no longer in use, please refer to the web form:
I'm using the German version and was advice to use the following download link:
I did as you said in your 3 steps - and - everything works o.k. The xxx.exe files are now loaded down in full length, stored in full length - and - they are "executable" !!!
Thank you all,
I have a problem with f secure internet security 2012, the network installer don't work completly in my uncle pc, i try to install many times but each times i have the message installation aborted "error trigger".
I don t understand because the configuration is ok and windows is to date.
windows xp familial sp3
cpu 2.8ghz amd athlon
gpu nvidia g force
ram 2 go
hdd 250 goi contact the f secure support for to have the executable file, because the network installer don't run but, i have no answer... help me please
ps : the installation require microsoft silverlight or another microsoft package, frame work etc???