Virtual location does not work

I just installed Freedome into my Win 7x64 laptop and it seemed to install OK. I tried to test it, but the results so far are bad. I want a VPN to allow me to surf USA shopping sites that block their traffic to foreign locations. I connected Freedome through three USA Freedome locations (Eastern, South, and West), but the shopping sites I want to see fail to connect at all. I get only a DNS_Probe_Finished_Bad_Config error message. Another site that I can connect to through Freedome provides only partial information with other parts blocked. Is there some magic I need to do to make Freedome work correctly? I also have SecurityKiss VPN and it worked OK until I installed Freedome. Now I cannot connect to SecurityKiss even with Freedome turned off. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Two quick corrections. First, Freedome does not work at all for me. When it is on, I cannot open any web page. I guess it is possible that this country blocks all traffic to the Freedome VPN, but I do not know how to test that. Second, SecurityKiss does work OK. My earlier tests must have been during a SecurityKiss service outtage. If anyone can suggest a way to make Freedome work, I would be happy to try it. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. I am on assignment in Saudi Arabia now. Although SecurityKiss does work for me, at least sometimes, I did see a link in SecurityKiss that opened a page that said it was blocked by Saudi Arabia.
There were no error messages when I installed, or when I tried to use, F-Secure. My only indication that there was a problem was that I could not connect to any web sites when F-Secure was on. Perhaps coincidentally, in the hours after I installed F-Secure, I began to have connection problems (with F-Secure off) which appeared to get progressively worse over time. I thought the problems were from my router, even though I had no similar problems befor I installed F-Secure. Since the problems were becoming painfully frequent, I guessed that they might have something to do with the F-Secure installation. I uninstalled F-Secure and then did a system restore to a point I created immediately before I installed F-Secure. I have had zero connection problems since I removed F-Secure from my computer. That limited experience does not prove that the F-Secure installation caused problems for me, but it is sufficient to discourage me from installing F-Secure again.