Freedome Error - Windows 10

Hey, my version of Freedome doesnt work anymore, ive been updating to win10 lately, had to deinstall the network adapter of freedome and now after re-installation of freedome it doesnt work, network adapter is not even being installed, Freedome starts and after pressing "on" i am getting an error message, saying that the program doesnt work anymore... Any solution? Can i download the network adapter elsewhere?
And i do know the trick with changing the name of the network adapter, but there is none
Do i really have to reinstall win10?
We have inspected several cases where Freedome has been unable to make VPN connections after Windows 10 upgrades. The symptom has been an error message saying only "Something went wrong. We're sorry." when Freedome has tried to make a new VPN connection. The problem has appeared right after the operating system has been upgraded to Windows 10. We are aware of at least one case where the problem was fixed after Windows 10 was reinstalled on the computer.
Based on our inspections it seems that the operating system has been in a similarly problematic state in each of these cases. While we haven't been able to reproduce this situation in our test environment, our best estimate is that something has gone wrong in the Windows 10 upgrade and has caused these problems.
From the error messages in the Windows log files it is apparent that also other applications have various technical problems on these affected computers. These error messages can be seen using Windows Event Viewer. You can open Windows Event Viewer by clicking the search icon on Windows 10 Task Bar and typing "Event Viewer" there. The logs reside under the "Windows Logs" entry.
We currently recommend to reinstall Windows 10 on the affected computer. However, we are still inspecting if there would be any alternative ways to get Freedome to work in this kind of situations.