Winows 10 and F secure Booster Speed up registry

I have been having major problems with my PC since Windows 10 upgrade. I am working through them one by one and now have the following. I have run the free version of Booster and it found two problems. The first is "delete unnecessary files" which works OK but the second "Speed up Registry" give me a message "Optimizing to Windows registry is not possible right now. System restart required." I am not sure what this means.
I have restarted Windows and still get the same message and reinstalled Booster from the F-Secure Safe page and the same happens. (BTW, I had to reinstall Safe following the upgrade.)
Everything worked OK until the upgrade. Can you help me please.
Hi mickflynn50,
As we checked with the Experts on this issue, the issue will either be related to Windows Updates or another program Installation that has likely failed at some point, and parts of the registry are locked. Could you please check in the Control Panel and make sure there are no outstanding Windows Updates or that there are no Windows updates that are continuously failing to be updated in your computer?
We would also like to know about the following scenario: When you had to reinstall SAFE, was the SAFE installation damaged after running the registry updates? Please let us know.Thanks.
There is a Windows update that is continually failing. This relates, I think, to the fact that my PC which had a touchscreen before Windows 10, no longer has a touchscreen after the upgrade. I have been in touch with the suppliers of the PC but they do not sound as though they are going to issue drivers to update the touchscreen. Could this be the problem? If so, can I get around it?
The message I get is as follows:
NextWindow driver update for NextWindow Voltron Touch Screen
Failed to install (date)
As far as the second point is concerned, I regret I am unsure what you are asking as F-Secure Safe is working fine after I reinstalled it. I know al ittle about computers but if people start talking jargon, I am stumped.
Any further assistance would be appreciated.
Hi mickflynn50,
Thank you for your update. I have updated our internal team about your reply and will get back to you once I receive any further solution.
Since the Windows Update is failing in this case, it might be related to the restart request happening with Booster. Regarding your SAFE, we just wanted to know if your SAFE reinstallation is working fine after the upgrade. My apologies if my late reply was on a more technical side. I will get back to you soon with any further updates.
Hi mickflynn50,
Sorry for the late reply. Please check these steps in order to analyze the issue further: Try disabling the Touchscreen.
1. Go to the Windows Device Manager in the Control Panel > Look in the Human Interface Devices category.
2. There should be an entry for HID-compliant Touch Screen. Try right clicking on this and selecting Disable. Maybe this will stop Windows trying to install an update for it.
I've done that and I'm still getting the same message about the registry. I have been in touch separately with Microsoft about the Windows Update message and they have told me how to hide updates and so far this seems to have stopped the one relating to Next Window Voltron Touch Screen.
Can you let me know how I can deal with the problem relating to the Speeding up Registry asoriginally requested.