USB power outlet

right this is more a safty issue:
I would think they are not allowed in EU.
1) low and vigh voltage must be split into independant mountings
2) the (still needed) power converter in the wall would, even if not used, constantly be powered on, which is in conflict with EUs use of power reduction plans.
But if you are a bit handy, you can build a wall mount yourself. There are USB faceplates available and a power converter for 220V in / 5V-4A out you can buy at any electronics shop.
Google for "Rutenbeck 170 105 01"
Please obay your national safety and security regulations when working with high voltage!!!
yes that issue with having 230V and 5V in one is a very valid point.
EU saving energy I don't mind so much
I think it would be nice to get those plugs. It would make things just easier.
There are charging pads like or but the device must support it. They are as well somewhat more expensive.
Not going build one my self just to dangerous to accidentally burn down the house.
Going to keep my eyes open maybe I will find it eventually.
@2eemeli wrote:Not going build one my self just to dangerous to accidentally burn down the house.
not more dangerous than replacing the old outlet against a new one. But I guess it has to be done by an electrician, otherwise you would loose insurance protection.
But maybe you first buy a USB-HUB with enough Amps and enough connections. D-Link has anice 7-port HUB as well
Good luck!