Thunderbird Email just stopped working

Windows 7
My Thunderbird V38.2.0 has just recently stopped working.
It does not send or recieve emails as it used to.
There are no error messages.
If I turn of the Win7 Firewall in F-Secure, it then appears to work as mail goes out and sometimes comes in. (I can test as I have more than 1 e-mail address).
The Firewall seems the most likely culprit.
Anybody know a good source of trying to understand the settings of the firewall?
Hi Stresscalcs,
Do you know approximately when did this problem start, and were there any changes done on the system(Windows updates, Thunderbird upgraded etc.)?
As the problem seems to be with Windows firewall, in this case first place to start would be checking if Thunderbird is allowed in Windows firewall:
Yes, the frewall was the problem.
I lost my network connections to network printers at the same time, but it took some time to find out that that was the firewall too.
The firewall allowed the network again with resetting the "Network Discovery" then adding "spooler" to Outbound Rules. A rather stupid set of settings not to have automatically set when you install network printers for the 3rd time in 2 hours and "File and printer Sharing" was already allowed in Outbound Rules..
The Thunderbird would not work. I added Thunderbird to my Outbound Rules to no effect.
Hence the question.
The Firewall documentation is simply terrible and pretty much unusable unless you are a networking guru!
Here's the TIP for one solution which may help others.
After hours of poking about I tried "Troubleshoot my Network" in the window that FSecure opens when you want to see the Firewall settings. Then I think it was under "Incoming Connections" then under "what are trying to do", I saw some text that mentioned "was I trying to use Thunderbird" and offered to fix it automatically with further clicks.
I kept clicking (nothing else has been successfull). Off the computer went and did something.
Then Thunderbird was working as normal again.
Afterthought. If F-Secure wants to use Windows Firewall then I think it should make some attempt at providing basic understandable advice on how to set the software up. I am not impressed with F-Secures attitude of using Windows Firewall then leaving you with no useable help about it.
Can F-Secure understand Microsofts Firewall setting up information?????????????