Invalid key

Hello, I recently bought the box, with a key for F-Secure SAFE. I got home, registered and followed the box's instructions correctly. But I still get the message saying that my key is invalid, after writing the campaign name and the code.


Product: F-Secure SAFE, 1 year for 5 devices.

Campaign name: ccity

Key: *****-*****-*****-*WAHB


EDITED: Misunderstanding


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    According to the Chat Contact Page Global English support hours are Mon-Fri, 6-16 (GMT), which I assume means 6am - 4pm.


    Sorry, but I don't think you'll get a response from F-Secure here before the morning, as they're not usually around at weekends.

  • Nis
    Nis Posts: 2
    Is that so? Thank you for that. :)
  • Hi Nis,


    Sorry to hear about your trouble!


    If you have tried to register using the correct and complete campaign code and the key using the box instructions, and if the issue persists, I would recommend to contact our support through a support request or chat with our Experts.


    They might have to check your key and the campaign code and assist you further on the installation.

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