After upgrade to ios 9 cannot connect anymore to Freedome?

I had the same problem
not sure all these steps are required by worked for me
1. delete the Freedome app
2. go to settings / general / reset
3. select 'reset network settings' and follow the prompts
4. once your phone has rebooted, reinstall the Freedome app, which will also reinstall VPN config
as I said this worked for me and hopefully will for you to
Thank you everybody for your good advice. In the end I found the easiest solution: if you have the latest version of Freedome, in the settings there is a new function called delete vpn settings, use it and it will prompt you to allow iOS to reset settings, say ok. For me it worked well 👍🏻
We also have now this article regarding that problem.
My vitual location is Stockholm. I live in Sweden.
On my wire-connected PC (Windows 10) where I also use Freedome
My speed is 15 mBit/S (Stockholm). With location Espoo My speed is 89 mBit/s.
On my IPhone 6 and location Espoo my speed was 32 mBit/s.
How do you explain this?
To @Pmiffy: the first thing did, delete the vpn-config. Uninstall and install again.
Regards kennybe -
I've tried the steps outlined in this article, but after the last step listed, I just get a box that reads, "Touch ID for 'Settings'," with only a "Cancel" option. What do I do then?
I'm still struggling to use Freedome after upgrading to IOS 9.0.1. Everything works fine when I'm using Safari, but when I try to use whatsapp it just says "connecting..." and there is no VPN sign on the screen. I can use Whatsapp with a little trick when opening the iPhone -> first open Safari and that activates the Freedome and then go to Whatsapp but it is quite frustrating doing it on and on.
I have tried all the tricks listed here, but none of them have worked with Whatsapp.
I have exactly the same problem as Johan29 is describing. I have done all the possible tricks that I've found from the forum - like resetting and even removing and reinstalling both whatsapp and freedome. Reinstalling whatsapp only removed all my chat history, but so far nothing has helped the actual problem.
The other trick besides opening safari is to open freedome. It also activates the vpn.
I would really appreciate the application to work. Have bought it for a multiple devices... and I'm getting pretty upset!