Registration Code and new mobile

Hi community,


I'm a french professional user of F-secure antivirus and thanks to this, i had a gift vip card from my account manager.


it's a 6 months/devices subscription code for Freedome


I'm using it on my iPad and my iPhone (iOS user)


I'm gonna to change my iOS device but my redeem code is currently available (december in my mind)


Can I keep this code or i'm gonna loose it ?


I'm very fan of freedome and i'll pay for at the end of the test period, but i want to finish this period ;-)


Thanks everyone for answers.




  • Hi PtitLoup,


    Welcome to our Community!Smiley Happy


    I would like to get more information about this so that I can help you further. Is this code for 3 devices? Do you want to use this same 6 months code for your replacing iOS device?


    Does your 6 months code expire by december? If you have just used your 3 device code for 2 devices currently, I would recommend to use it again on your new iOS device and try the validation. If you have any issues with the validation, please let us know and we will help you further.

  • Thanks for the answer.

    Yeah it's a 6months code for three devices.
    I have activated it 2 times at the same time for my iPad and iPhone. So trial period is expired in December for this 2 activations.

    When my new iPhone has arrived, I'll try my code a third time.
    I'll feedback ;-)

    Have a good day
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