Uninstalled Freedome, now it says my code is already used



I uninstalled Freedome (because I got problems with my internet connections and tried to fix it in all kind of ways. One fix was to uninstall Freedome, because Freedome wasn't working and I it just threw some errors. After a long fight I was able to fix internet connection (Freedome has nothing to do with the problem, I guess). Now I have installed Freedome again, but can't use it because it says my code is already used. How can I fix this?





  • Hi ilpog,


    May I know how did you purchase the Freedome code for y our computer?  Is it a single license code or a multi license code? If multi license, how many computers are using the code as of now?


    Could you please provide us the screenshot of the error or the exact error message?

  • Hi,

    I think the code is for single license. Do you need the code? Here's the picture of the error (It's in Finnish)




  • Hi ilpog,


    May I know how did you purchase this code for Freedome? May be you can send me a Private Message of your code for Freedome.

  • I haven't bought the code myself. My friend gave it to me. I sent the code for you as a private message.



  • Hi Iiro,


    I have replied to you via PM. Kindly check you PM for further information.

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