I cannot use my FReedome code in all of my devices that has F-Secure SAFE installed

I have subscrition to 5 F-Secure SAFE devices, and now I have tried to install Freedome to all of them, but I only managed to activate the subscription only on 3 of my machines (1 android phone and 2 windows computers) by using the code developed at MY SAFE site. What is the problem?
BTW: I suspect it might be related to the fact that I upgraded 2 of my computers (that had already Freedome installed and working) to Windows 10 before I tried to install it (and activate the code) to my 2 remaining computers.
Is there a way to get the Freedome to work also with 2 my remaining computers that I would like to protect also (as promised at MY SAFE site).
I have 5 subscriptions of F-secure MY SAFE and I can use the supplied FREEDOME activation code for only 3 Freedome activations. Might the resson be that I had to reinstall Freedome to 2 of my windowPC's after the windows 10 upgrate. The reason for this was that I got the IPv6 problem and though that I would be solved by reinstalling FREEDOME to those 2 computers. Obviously it did not work and managed to solve it with the recommended (from these pages) change of VPN connection name.
How I can get the 2 missing activations to work?
NOTE: I feel a little bit betrayed, since the IPv6 problem were caused by FREEDOME SW that could not handle the windows10 uppgrade properly.