Site blocking by Freedome without explanation

I noticed that when you're blocking a site you offer ni database explaining why the blocking is taking place. There is a page where you can post a message regardinf false positives.
I did post a website there but saw nothing changing.
1. Can you offer a database explaining WHY you block a site.
2. Can you add the possibility for users to comment on the blocking of a site.
I have the impression that sometimes sites are mistakenly blocked based on their content when nothing is wrong.
Also I would like in the iOS app the possibility to bypass the advise not to visit a blocked site, like it is possible in the OSX version.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Hi user1900,
As mentioned in this article, I would recommend to submit a copy of the website to our labs directly for analysis. But since you did submit a sample of the website to us, did you create an account and login to submit the website for analysis in our Sample Analysis System?
I would recommend to submit the suspecting False positive website in here:
But it is recommended to create an account so that you will be able to receive a ticket number for the sample URL submitted (along with brief description in the message field when submitting a ticket).