Configure Parental Control from Safe Portal

makan Posts: 18 Observer
edited February 2022 in Feature Requests

product : f-secure safe it would be great if i can configure parental control setting from safe portal. so i can keep monitor/change any setting on my son tablet while i'm away from home.

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Completed · Last Updated


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my potential feedback (I'm also only F-Secure user).


    With current F-Secure SAFE


    -> possible to use F-Secure Safe Portal (My F-Secure Account portal) for remote control/configure Parental Control features and change options for kids profiles.


    I able to suspect that feature request is implemented (at least, for noted meanings).



  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 294 F-Secure Product Manager

    Ukko is right, closing as done.


This discussion has been closed.