Cannot switch Freedome on on MAC OS X El Capitan beta

Jumbo8 Posts: 3 New Member

I use IOS 9 on the IPhone and Freedome works without problems. On trying to to switch Freedome on with MAC OS X "El Capitan" beta, I don´t get any connection working.


  • Hello Jumbo8,


    Thank you for your feedback. Freedome might be working on Betas and Technology Previews of some OS's, however these versions are not officially supported.

  • Jumbo8
    Jumbo8 Posts: 3 New Member
    Hello Tapsa,
    sorry for the late reply, here are the answers:
    - Both Macbook and IPhone are working in the same WiFi network.
    - I have dowloaded the trial version of Freedome on both systems and activated both using the provided key. On El Capitan system it states 144 days remaining.
    - Freedome tries to connect for a while and then shows a msg: „you are no longer protected“. I tired several countries with same result any time.
    - Selecting quit and restarting Freedome does not help.
    - Reinstallation does not change the behavior.


  • Jumbo8
    Jumbo8 Posts: 3 New Member

    Hello once more,

    it´s working now. After downloading again, installing it as admin and have it installed in the program main folder instead of using a subfolder. I`m not sure which was the exact solution, but now it`s okay!

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