Why is weebly being blocked?

Hi I have a blog on weebly the blog it'self is not being blocked only the weebly page that we use to edit the blog.
It's my understanding that weebly is a trusted site, if it's not please let me know. However the main weebly links are all good only the blog editing page comes up with the message that it has been reported as a harmful site.
EDIT: Potentialy dangerous link
Hello @barb,
Please submit this URL false positive to our lab for review.
https://analysis.f-secure.com/portal/login.htmlIf the link is harmless the rating should be corrected.
PS: I moved you post to the most adequate board.
Hi, I am evaluating weebly for use in creating a web site or two, when I try to access the Support side, I also get that same "unsafe" warning and cannot proceed. Do we have an answer? ...I could also submit this URL for review...but it's been 2 weeks since this last one was posted, I'd think it's been reviewed already.
I should add...it's help.weebly.com which is blocked, I think I've seen another 1 or 2 URLs with something other than "help" in that URL, which are part of weebly's support area.
Ben, do you have any insight into this? Thanks
17 sept 2015
http://www.weebly.com/weebly/userHome.php#login is still blocked. I have not seen a clear reply as to whether this is in error or not. Please clarify.
Thank you
17 sept 2015
http://www.weebly.com/weebly/userHome.php#login is still blocked. I have not seen a clear reply as to whether this is in error or not. Please clarify.
Thank you
Hello All,
I just checked with the labs and the website login 'http://www.weebly.com/weebly/userHome.php#login' has been whitelisted now. Please retry the login.
Thank you.
The web site is still blocked:
arent=http://www.chorus-soranus.com/meddelelser-fra-bestyrelsen/mulig... -
Hi jwagner,
Thanks for reporting this to to us. I checked with our labs on the URL provided and the rating has now been fixed. In this case, the issue was due to a child URL of weebly.com which had the malicious rating; and it is fixed now.
Kindly try to check again and let us know if it is working fine.