Subscription expired after beta trial

accuor Posts: 12 Enthusiast

I signed up for the Freedome beta (Protection Log) for Mac and after installing the application found that it was unable to establish a connection. I therefore uninstalled the beta and reverted to the regular production version of the app which worked fine. Unfortunately, however, it said that my subscription had expired whereas I had almost a full year’s subscription remaining before trying the beta. I have a three device subscription but have only used one of the licences so far as I am saving the other two for equipment I intend buying next month. If I re-apply the subscription code to my iMac will I use up one of the two remaining licences? If so, how do I get the first licence back again?


I’ve reported this on the beta web site two weeks ago and have since emailed twice  but have had no response to date. Can you please advise?   TIA


  • _CyberGhosT_
    _CyberGhosT_ Posts: 18 Observer
    This is a known issue now and I believe the Dev's are working to resolve it.
    But wait for someone from F-Secure to reply as I am not a employee or rep of F-Secures. PeAcE
  • Hi accuor,


    Every reinstallation of the Freedome will be counted against your subscription. Yes, if you use the license to your iMac, it will be taken as the second installation of the code. As @_CyberGhosT_ mentioned, our RND team is working on to resolve this.


    This article might also provide more information about the license code in Freedome:

  • accuor
    accuor Posts: 12 Enthusiast

    Thanks to both of you for your replies. It's a pity that the release notes for the beta don't warn that reinstallation will cost you a subscription. Had I known in advance I would have thought twice about installing the beta. I don't mind giving up my time to help beta test products  but I'm not so keen on giving up my money Smiley Mad.


    It's good to know that the devs are currently working on a solution to this licensing problem but in the meantime I was hoping that I might be able to claim a replacement license by way of compensation. I've already bought 2 x 3-device subscriptions so really don't want to be any more out of pocket. Is there a process for obtaining such a replacement?


  • Hi accuor,


    Thanks for your feedback. I have passed your feedback to the respective team. Regarding your license, I will check further on this and get back to you soon.

  • accuor
    accuor Posts: 12 Enthusiast

    Many thanks for your prompt help Laksh. My problem is now solved.

This discussion has been closed.