Freedome impacting seriously battery life mobile phone

I have a Sony Z3 compact running under Android 5.
I installed Freedome about 10 days ago.
Since then, the autonomy of my mobile is divided by 4 !!! From about 4 days before the installation till 18 hours now.
When looking to the statistics about the battery usage, android tells me that Freedome is consuming 80 % of the battery (measured between two full charges of the mobile).
This occurs even if my mobile is in stand by mode. In this mode, Wi-Fi connection is disabled to saved the battery life.
Disabling Freedome is solving my problem of battery life but is no solution for the security.
The goal of having Freedome installed on a mobile is to be able to use it securely...but not being wired to a power plug!
This problem make freedome useless for mobile use.
Little disappointed.
Hi Pitchoun,
Sorry to hear about your inconvenience.
I checked on this with the Freedome team; it might be the case that the battery meter attributes all the network related battery use to our application, as the application takes over all the network traffic on the device.
Sometimes, with 3G/4G usage, the battery consumption is also relatively higher, especially when the signal is low. It is also advised to put the Application Security setting to Wifi mode only.
Please check if there is any particular application that makes frequent network connection as Freedome needs to turn on the VPN connection for them. This might result in keeping the connection alive all the time if those connections are frequent. -
Hi Laksh,
Thank you for your answer.
OK, the statistics are perheaps not the best way to identify the "faulty" thing.
But turning on/off Freedome (no change to other parameters) is making a very big difference. I didn't encounter this kind of problem before the last update of Freedome on Android. So, something changed with this new version.
I made some investigation to discover what is going wrong; As I mentionned, the problem is only occuring when "Mobile data" is on. When only using WiFi, Freedome seems not impacting the battery life.
I set the application security to WiFi mode only but it didn't improve the battery life. In fact, disabling all the freedome's features and keeping the application security module ON (with Wifi + mobile) helps to get the battery life back to normal. Of course, this is not a valid solution.
I tried to change different parameters of my mobile (one at a time) in order to discover what's going wrong. One change made the difference: the geolocation service. When disabling this service, the battery life is coming back to a normal level. I tried the different settings for this service: "High precision mode", "Low mode", "Only GPS" (on my Sony compact Z3 - Android 5).
Choosing the "low mode" is solving the problem: Freedome fully running and keeping a battery life to a correct level. The worse mode is "High precision mode"
So, I think that the developpers made some changes with the last update affecting the way Freedome is catching this kind of trafic.