A question..

Hello guys!
I don't have an issue with the software. I have Freedome for 3 months..And I just bought freedome for 5 devices because I got an special offer. So the question is this: After I've recieved the freedome license that I've payed for will it expire after some time? Or can I just activate it allready and than I will get 12 months + 3 months that I have left?
Thank You in advance and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Nasko, Fin
Hi Nasko,
Welcome to the F-Secure Community!
You may use the license purchased just before your trial period is about to get over. The license gets activated for 12 months only when you use it. If you add the license to your trial version, the trial period will be added to your purchased subscription. You may also add the license immediately over the trial period.