Freedome on Android5.1 Notryal even after Code accepted

After initial instal from Google Play I do not get any tryal time.Supose to be 14 days trial. I hava a Promotianal trial code for 6 months. When entered I get "code accepted" ,but still no trail allowed. Please help.


  • Hi Kupih02,


    Is this the first time you are trying to install the Freedome product on your mobile?


    What is the subscription status on your phone after you have validated the promotional trial code?


    Where did you get the promotional trial code from?

  • kupih02
    kupih02 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the prompt reply. I have installed and de-installed freedome client many tymes as I cannot get it to work.
    Post entering the code I get "You trial period has expired"
    I have a code from the promotion.
    Regardless, I don' t even get the initial 14 days free post App. install. How this can be fixed?
  • Hi Kupih02,


    Based on your error message, it would be possible that the product was already installed on the device with the trial period. That would be only possibility based on the message since it says the trial period has expired.


  • kupih02
    kupih02 Posts: 3

    I have sent the application log to f-secure as  requested. Still waiting for a solution.

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